Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Gambling

  • Aug 03, 2019  The advantages of online gambling. Although online gambling has its drawbacks, we can say with certainty that the advantages prevail. Online casinos support players from all over the world, which is why they offer their services 24 hours a day. In addition, they provide their users with a much larger number of games, bonuses, and other attractions.
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Technology in Human Life. Title The advantages and disadvantages of computer technology in human life. Introduction Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Gambling. Online casino advantages and disadvantages are numerous, subtle and at odds with one another. Advantages seem to combine with reason for the popularity of online casinos. A player on the right online casino can play at any time day or night without having to leave their home.


The giant disadvantage is you can never realm leave because you're just a click away from being back. Plus you can click your life away in one night. I think that is too powerful. Casinos are always more fun and exciting than where you live.

Very true. The money is so abstract and the venue so accessible that you can find yourself making stupidly large wagers deep into the night while tanked up on JD.
Been there, got the t-shirt.
Also, even the casinos with solid reputations can still rip you off if they invoke their universal 'If we decide you are not playing in good faith, we can close your account and retain the balance' Got that t-shirt too.
If you are enjoying the game, you're already winning.

My nephew and my GF's little brother were playing small limit poker at 13 and 14 online at Bovada and a few other sites. They both won a little bit and moved on to other things like girl's
Now in their 2O's they have good jobs families and don't have any gambling problems. They both like to gamble occasionally but no more or less than the average American male.

Your example of confirmed family and friend members falling perfectly into the American dream after starting to gamble ONLINE at the early illegal age of 13 appears to be suspect to me. Especially after these kids had a winning first time experience gambling at an age certainly uninformed about the actual facts of life, and yet how they eventually pulled the winning plug out of the drain and moved onto a more serious life. Most adolescent kids if they made $50.00 would try to make $100.00 and on and on until great success or ruin.
Instead of setting a more mature example at that time for the kids (8 yrs. shy of legal gambling age) your demonstration of being a good uncle and friend also comes into question. Did you help with them to cash out their winnings? Did you provide beer while they were gambling?
Regardless of the important point I’m making above, you just always seem to have the perfect example or story that will always fit into any condition or narrative when it comes to gambling. No matter what negative points are brought up about gambling you always have a counter to the positive. I’m not talking about negative bad AP plays which of course you already would have been aware of and knew about, I’m talking about everything else about gambling. It’s like your always trying to justify you chosen life style of hustling.
One last question or two or three or four if you don’t mind. When you knew the children were playing poker ONLINE why didn’t you jump in and teach them how to AP? Wasn’t that the time millions were being made online AP’ing? Why didn’t you take them under your wings and show them all the money they could’ve and should’ve made?
Did you make millions ONLINE when the ONLINE dream existed for AP’s, and if not why not? I read somewhere that the money to buy this site and others by the new owners was made AP’ing BlackJack online. Do you think that was a rumor started just to promote online gambling?
You can be cheated in the course of play, and you would never know it.
Colluders, or one person playing multiple spots, can exploit you, and you would never know it.
A collection of poker pros could use their combined knowledge to scam thousands of people out of millions of dollars (but gee, that would NEVER happen).
The website can vanish like a fart on the wind, along with your money, and you would have no recourse whatsoever.
The site's location is in some overseas location that you often can't even discern, and it's usually someplace like the People's Mango Republic.
The site could hack your personal information and resell it. Your personal financial information will be protected by all the safeguards written into the laws of the People's Mango Republic.
I recommend that instead, you sign up for my Blackjack by Phone casino. 100 percent guaranteed kinda honest-like.
There's no need to socialize. You're just there by yourself. Socializing is healthy. People who are glued to their smartphones all day long whose eyes never rise to meet others have lost something and they don't even know it. And yes, the loss of and lack of trust with an online entity is significant.
'but I don't care too much for can't buy me love'.............. the Beatles

There's no need to socialize. You're just there by yourself. Socializing is healthy. People who are glued to their smartphones all day long whose eyes never rise to meet others have lost something and they don't even know it. And yes, the loss of and lack of trust with an online entity is significant.

If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.

Also, even the casinos with solid reputations can still rip you off if they invoke their universal 'If we decide you are not playing in good faith, we can close your account and retain the balance' Got that t-shirt too.

Casinomeister is pretty good about helping, and he does have an accredited list.

Your example of confirmed family and friend members falling perfectly into the American dream after starting to gamble ONLINE at the early illegal age of 13 appears to be suspect to me. Especially after these kids had a winning first time experience gambling at an age certainly uninformed about the actual facts of life, and yet how they eventually pulled the winning plug out of the drain and moved onto a more serious life. Most adolescent kids if they made $50.00 would try to make $100.00 and on and on until great success or ruin.
Instead of setting a more mature example at that time for the kids (8 yrs. shy of legal gambling age) your demonstration of being a good uncle and friend also comes into question. Did you help with them to cash out their winnings? Did you provide beer while they were gambling?
Regardless of the important point I’m making above, you just always seem to have the perfect example or story that will always fit into any condition or narrative when it comes to gambling. No matter what negative points are brought up about gambling you always have a counter to the positive. I’m not talking about negative bad AP plays which of course you already would have been aware of and knew about, I’m talking about everything else about gambling. It’s like your always trying to justify you chosen life style of hustling.
One last question or two or three or four if you don’t mind. When you knew the children were playing poker ONLINE why didn’t you jump in and teach them how to AP? Wasn’t that the time millions were being made online AP’ing? Why didn’t you take them under your wings and show them all the money they could’ve and should’ve made?
Did you make millions ONLINE when the ONLINE dream existed for AP’s, and if not why not? I read somewhere that the money to buy this site and others by the new owners was made AP’ing BlackJack online. Do you think that was a rumor started just to promote online gambling?

Advantages Of Gambling

If you question my story, my Nephew and his girl are actually in LV now on a mini Vacation visiting his in laws and their newborn. If it's important to you I can have him confirm that story I told with one or more WOV members.
Since he was not 21 at the time it would be difficult to learn or exploit AP. And since didn't live in Vegas it would be difficult for him to learn. He's successful working in the oil business and was making 100k + a year since he was 18. He actually has taken advantage of a few LV promotions during his trips to Vegas. This time he wanted to do the loss rebate at Plaza. I don't know if he did because unfortunately I was heading out of LV a few hours after he arrived.I Had just enough time to hook him up with rooms from someone, and hang out as I played a promo. He plays his local cash poker games and tournaments on some weekends and seems to be moderately ahead. He's taken advantage of his local small limit BJ games where dealers are sloppy as hell.
I didn't help him cash out his online poker accounts, his parents did that as it was their accounts he used. I did give him advice playing $20 heads up turbos. It's not like he was depositing thousands and feverishly clicking away 24/7. I wouldn't need to buy him beer since I think the legal drinking age in ND is 13 ....If you get what im saying? Personally I think kids should be exposed to gambling at a young age and learn the odds and know what's good/better to play and what's terrible to play.
As far as online gambling goes I was not willing to invest large amounts of money online like some people did. I deposited and played amounts I felt comfortable with and I did just fine. I was fairly picky what casinos I played at. People who made millions had a network and did lots of multiaccounting. I have already said before that it was a mistake not going for it big without reservations, however I could say that about lots of stuff like not investing more or at all in things like Bitcoin, gold, Facebook, google or microsoft. Also if I was solely doing that I would've missed out on other things.
I understood there was a significant amount of money to be made with online affiliate programs, I dabbled in it a bit, however I didn't understand or know what it took to get traffic. It's hard to do multiple things at once, I concentrated on what I knew how to do and my social life.
As fas as specific numbers go I would never discuss such things especially with a stranger online. It wouldn't matter anyways, I could just lie and inflate stuff, as many people do online. There's always someone more successful, better car, bigger house, smarter, better looking, more fit, happier, with a hotter girl/guy or cooler than you or the next guy.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪

Casinomeister is pretty good about helping, and he does have an accredited list.

*Rolls eyes @ Casinomeister.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪

If you question my story

Personally, I think your imagination and slickness is second to none. Was waiting to see how you were going to turn my negative post into a positive. Good job.
Last edited by: unnamed administrator on Jul 31, 2016

Personally, I think your imagination and slickness is second to none. Was waiting to see how you were going to turn my negative post into a positive. Good job.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet GamblingI find your response pretty insulting. You're barely in bounds at the moment, and I may reconsider.
There are people who don't need to lie, because the truth is fantastic enough. In my experience, Axel is one of those people. He lives a big, outrageous life, and talks openly about much of it.
There is more than a bit of what he told you above I can vouch for, though I've only known him a couple of years. The rest he has no reason to lie about.
I grew up gambling as well, playing bj for money from age 6, and poker for money from age 8 or 9. Not regularly, not as a job, but yeah, we didn't play for matchsticks either. If we'd had Internet gambling, I don't doubt we'd have done it.
I still managed to have a with a career, a marriage, owning houses and cars, not throwing my money away on gambling. What's so hard to believe about that?
If you have other things you want for your money besides games of chance, you don't play for significant amounts of money. If you're addicted, you bet the rent, borrow beyond your means, whatever it takes. I don't personally know anyone like that, or at least know that about them. But it takes more than early exposure to gambling to make a person an addict.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.

Advantage gambling, or advantage play, refers to legal methods, in contrast to cheating in casinos, used to gain an advantage while gambling. The term usually refers to house-banked games, but can also refer to games played against other players, such as poker. Someone who practises advantage gambling is often referred to as an advantage player, or AP. Unlike cheating, which is by definition illegal, advantage play exploits innate characteristics of a particular game to give the player an advantage relative to the house or other players. While not illegal, advantage play is often discouraged and some advantage players may be banned by certain casinos.

A skillful or knowledgeable player can gain an advantage at a number of games. Card games have been beaten by card sharps for centuries. Some slot machines and lotteries with progressive jackpots can eventually have such a high jackpot that they offer a positive return or overlay when played long term, according to the gambling mathematics. Some online games can be beaten with bonus hunting.

  • 1Sports and horse betting
  • 4Other ways to gain an advantage

Sports and horse betting[edit]

Sports and horse betting can be beaten by placing arbitrage bets, which involve placing bets at different bookmakers who are offering different lines. Many online sports books now offer bonuses like free bets or free money. These bonuses usually come with a stipulation that the bettor place a certain number of bets. For example, a site may offer a bettor $50 free if they deposit $100 and place a total of $1000 in bets. These can reduce the vig taken by the house or even offer the bettor a small advantage.[citation needed]

Another form of advantage can be found by betting the 'middle' on a sports event. This situation occurs when two bookmakers are offering different lines on the same event, or if a bettor has placed a bet and the bookmaker changes the line. The bettor simply takes the most favorable lines at each bookmaker, and if the result of the contest is between the numbers, or in the 'middle', then the bettor wins both bets.

For example, Bookmaker A lists the Jets to be a 4-point favorite over the Bills. Bookmaker B has the Jets as just a 2-point favorite. The advantage player may bet the Bills +4 with Book A and then the Jets -2 with Book B. If the Jets win by 3, the advantage player collects on both bets. If the Jets win by either 2 or 4, the advantage player collects on one winning bet and the other 'push.' And if the Jets win or lose by any other total, the two bets cancel out, leaving the advantage player to pay only the vigorish on the bets. Given typical 10-cent lines, a middle need only win 1 time in 21 to break even, which is a realistic goal – the middle is always a plausible result since it is based on the actual strength of the teams. Middling is an example of line arbitrage.

Special offers[edit]

Using special offers provided by bookmakers it is possible for a skilled bettor to put the odds in their favour. Special offers may include; cashback on specific events, enhanced odds and comp points. To profit from these specials, a skilled bettor will use betting, laying and dutching[1] to create their own book on an event that may not guarantee profit but will still put the odds in their favour instead of the bookmaker(s) involved. Sign up bonuses are also classed as special offers and can be used in a similar way to lock in a profit regardless of the result using the principles of matched betting.

Betting exchanges[edit]

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet

Betting exchanges offer advantage players a chance to make a larger profit than possible with bookmakers because exchanges charge commission only on the net winnings[2] in a particular betting market. One way to make money on the exchanges is 'trading' - in the above example, the Jets might be a favorite decimal odds of 1.90 to defeat the Bills. If a 'trader' thinks these odds too long he may bet $1000 on the Jets, and should he prove correct and the odds on the Jets get shorter, 'lay off' by laying, say, a $1016 bet against the Jets at 1.87. If the Jets win, he collects $900 on his bet on the Jets and pays out approximately $884 on the bet he laid against the Jets. If the Jets lose, he loses his $1000 stake on the Jets but keeps the $1016 stake on the bet he laid against the Jets. Either way, the 'trader' makes a $16 profit and he will pay a commission only on that profit (usually not more than 5% or 80 cents in this example) for a net profit of $15.20 regardless of the result. Of course, if the odds go the wrong way the 'trader' may lose money but most exchanges do not charge a commission in the event of a net loss.


Blackjack and other table games can usually be beaten with card counting, hole carding, shuffle tracking, edge sorting, or several other methods. The players most skilled in these techniques have been nominated to the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Some video poker games, such as full pay Deuces Wild, can be beaten by the use of a strategy card[3] devised by computer analysis of the game and often for sale in casino gift shops. And similar to the Blackjack Hall of Fame, there is an internet 'Video Poker Hall of Fame'.[4]


Poker can offer a long-term advantage to a skilled player because it is played against other players and not against the house. The casino usually takes a rake (commission) or a time charge. Whether a poker player can win enough from the game to cover the rake and make a profit depends, aside from the rake level, not only on the player's skill, but also on the opposition's lack thereof - the degree of difficulty can vary widely from casino to casino. Tables with relatively easy opposition are referred to as 'soft.'

There is another advantage to playing poker as opposed to games where play is against the house: since the house has no direct interest in the outcome of a poker game, successful poker players can operate openly without risk of being banned by casinos.

While in the short term luck primarily determines a poker player's results, over the long term the skilled player will invariably profit if playing against weaker competition. A player can profit from their skill in many ways. For example, by understanding pot odds and implied odds, a player can assess whether it will be profitable to chase a flush or straight draw. Identifying exploitable patterns in an opponent's play also gives the skilled player an edge. For example, a weak opponent might almost never bluff, or might bluff far too often. Or an opponent might make huge bets only as bluffs, and make smaller bets with good hands (or vice versa). If a skilled player notices these patterns in an opponent's play, he or she can make better decisions when facing a bet from that player.

In live settings, some players will take advantage of tells, that is, opponent facial expressions and mannerisms that may give away information about the strength of the player's hand. Skilled players use all available information (not only an opponent's actions earlier in a hand, but also his or her actions during previous hands) to assess what which action will be most profitable, be it a call or a fold, a bluff or a bet for value.

Other ways to gain an advantage[edit]

Dice control[edit]

Experts disagree about whether or not an advantage can be gained at some other games. One example is dice control. Authors Stanford Wong[5] and Frank Scoblete[6] have stated that by setting and throwing the dice in a certain way players can alter the odds at the game of craps enough to gain an advantage.


In the Japanese game of pachinko, there are numerous purported strategies for winning, the most reliable of which is to use inside information to learn which machines have the highest payout settings. Because of the 'Stock', 'Renchan', and tenjō systems, it is possible to make money by simply playing machines on which someone has just lost a huge amount of money. This is called being a 'hyena'. They are easy to recognize, roaming the aisles for a 'Kamo' ('sucker' in English) to leave their machine in a favorable mode.

Angle shooting[edit]

'Angle shooting' is another type of advantage play. Despite 'angle shooting' being legal, it is possibly an unethical way to beat casino games. One way to get an advantage at a casino is 'hole carding' where a player tries to look at the dealer's hole card in blackjack and then uses that information to play their hand differently.[7] This clearly gives an advantage to the player since knowing your opponent's cards reduces the risks involved in the game. Taking advantage of incorrect payouts is another example of angle shooting. For example, if an inexperienced dealer pays 2 to 1 on a blackjack instead of 3 to 2, not correcting them is also taking advantage of an incorrect payout.[8]

'Angle shooting' can also happen in poker. For instance, in no-limit poker a player may hide high denomination chips behind stacks of low denomination chips, giving off an appearance that their stack is less powerful than it really is. Another example is making an illegal move, which the player may later declare void if it suits them. While angle shooting is seen as 'fair game' in games against the house, it is heavily frowned upon in games where players compete with other players, as it ruins the table atmosphere, makes the game less appealing to novice players, and is not in the spirit of the game.[9]

Essay on advantages and disadvantages of internet

Casinos and playrooms continually create new rules to defeat angle shooting techniques.[9]

Comp hustling[edit]

Comp hustling can be another form of advantage gambling. Players, known as comp hustlers or comp wizards, who play games with a low house advantage or low bet size such as penny slots, can get more than their expected loss in free items from the casino.[10] Many advantage players also take steps to maximize the comps they receive from their play.[11]


Casinos sometimes take measures to thwart players who they believe pose a threat to them, especially card-counters or hole-card players. However, some casinos tolerate card-counters who do not bet large amounts, who are not good at counting, or who do not use a large betting spread.


Some countermeasures include shuffling when the deck is favorable to the player, imposing betting limits, 'backing off' players by asking them not to play blackjack any more, or asking a player to leave the casino. In New Jersey, a player may not be asked to leave a table for counting cards, although the house may still impose betting limits or shuffle sooner.

Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet

Players caught counting cards or hole-carding ultimately may find themselves listed in the Griffin Book and become unwelcome in most casinos.[citation needed] The Griffin Book was sued,[12] but there are other substitutes today.

In the past, video poker and skillful progressive slot machine players were rarely ejected for winning, but the practice is common today.[13] They may have their comps reduced or eliminated.[14]

Skillful sports bettors, known as 'sharps', may have their betting limits reduced and may not be allowed to take advantage of bonuses at online sports books. Instead, skillful sports bettors may rely on 'runners' to place and collect their bets.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet On Students

Craps players are often stopped from playing if the dice fail to bounce off the back wall of the table.[15]

Advantage players abide by the established rules of the game and thus, in most jurisdictions, are not regarded as committing fraud against the casino. So, while they may face the above casino-imposed sanctions, they are able to operate without the threat of criminal prosecution for their behavior. This is not the case in all jurisdictions, however, and some advantage players have reported more aggressive countermeasures being taken even in well known gambling locations like Monte Carlo.[16]

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Arbitrage - Dutching - Introduction'. The Gambling Times. Archived from the original on 31 July 2016. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  2. ^'Commission'. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  3. ^'Video Poker'. Wizard of Odds. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  4. ^'vpFREE Hall Of Fame'. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  5. ^Wong, Stanford (2005). Wong on Dice. Pi Yee Press.
  6. ^Scoblete, Frank (2005). 'Beat the Craps Out of the Casinos. Bonus Books.
  7. ^Uston, Ken (1992). Million Dollar Blackjack. Carol Publishing Corporation.
  8. ^'Blackjack Dealer Error'. Blackjack Forum (Online ed.). Summer 2007.
  9. ^ ab'Angle Shooting | Poker Terms | PokerNews'. Retrieved 9 October 2019.
  10. ^Rubin, Max (June 2001). Comp City. Huntington Press.
  11. ^Scott, Jean (January 1998). The Frugal Gambler. Huntington Press.
  12. ^'Griffin book producer files for Chapter 11, citing suit'. Las Vegas Sun. 13 September 2005. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  13. ^'Lion Tales: Fall of the Roman Empire'. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  14. ^Dancer, Bob (March 1, 2003). Million Dollar Video Poker. Huntington Press.
  15. ^Brokopp, John. 'Dice Control - Fact or Fiction'. Casino City Times.
  16. ^'Interviews - Semyon Dukach - MIT Card Counting Team Captain'. ThePOGG. Retrieved 10 November 2012.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Pdf

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