Online Casino License Costs

  • New Ukrainian bill on gambling which passed first reading today specifies the prices for licences. The prices for the license are based on the prices of 1 minimal salary in Ukraine, which is 4723 UAH in 2020 (equivalent of 195.92USD) Casinos are allowed in 5-star hotels only. The operator must obtain a license for 5.
  • Licenses are required of casino owners and operators, casino employees, and companies that do business with casinos in order to ensure that those involved with this industry meet the statutory requirements of good character, honesty and integrity and to keep the New Jersey casino industry free from organized crime. Costs for a Casino.

Previous Charity Gaming Forms

Welcome to the new Charity Gaming forms page.
The new forms listed below comply with the new statute that took effect on July 1, 2007.

How much Online Curacao gaming license cost? How long does it take to get a Curacao online casino license? Due to our fantastic service, the procedure for obtaining a Curacao gaming sublicense is fast and efficient, so if everything is handled properly, it takes about 2-4 weeks.

Online Gambling License Cost India


The numeric identifiers for the old forms have been replaced with alpha symbols on the new forms, and the applications are now license specific to help simplify the application process.

The only forms that maintained numeric identifiers were the financial reporting forms CG-8, CG-9, CG-21, and CG-22.

QUALIFICATION (your organization must first qualify to be eligible to conduct any charity gaming events)

Form IdentifierTitle
CG-QAQualification Application

Cost To Open A Casino

ANNUAL EVENTS (a license issued for a period of twelve(12) months)

Form IdentifierTitle
CG-ABAnnual Bingo License Application
CG-AB(R)Annual Bingo Renewal Application
CG-ADPAnnual Door Prize License Application
CG-ADP(R)Annual Door Prize Renewal Application
CG-APTAnnual Pull Tab License Application
CG-APT(R)Annual Pull Tab Renewal Application
CG-ARAnnual Raffle License Application
CG-AR(R)Annual Raffle Renewal Application
CG-ACGNAnnual Charity Game Night License Application
CG-ACGN(R)Annual Charity Game Night Renewal Application
CG-AWRAnnual Water Race Application
CG-AWR(R)Annual Water Race Renewal Application
CG-AGGAnnual Guessing Game Application
CG-AGG(R)Annual Guessing Game Renewal Application

SINGLE EVENTS (a one time event)

Form IdentifierTitle
CG-CGNCharity Game Night License Application
CG-CRCalendar Raffle License Application (No longer used. Please refer to the CG-AR for Annual Raffle License.)
CG-DPDoor Prize License Application
CG-ENExempt Event Notification
CG-FESFestival License Application
CG-CCACandidate's Committee Application
CG-RAFRaffle License Application
CG-SBSpecial Bingo License Application
CG-WRWater Race License Application
CG-GGGuessing Game License Application


Form IdentifierTitle
CG-8Annual License Financial Report
CG-9Single Event Financial Report
CG-21Annual Events Gross Receipts Report
CG-22Single Event Gross Receipts Report


Form IdentifierTitle
CG-DISTCharitable Contribution Distribution List
CG-DTLCharity Gaming Inventory Destruction, Theft, or Loss Form
CG-INVCharity Gaming Ending Inventory Statement
ESR-BINBingo Event Summary Report
ESR-CGNCharity Gaming Night Event Summary Report
ESR-DPDoor Prize Event Summary Report
ESR-FESFestival Event Summary Report
ESR-GGGuessing Game Event Summary Report
ESR-APTAnnual PPT Event Summary Report
ESR-RAFRaffle Event Summary Report
ESR-WRWater Race Event Summary Report
ESR-DWMRaffle Board Daily Weekly Monthly Event Summary Report
CG-AMLicense Amendment Request(s)
CG-COCurrent Officers
CG-LSDSLicensed Supply Donation Statement
CG-NPANon-Member Participation Approval Form
CG-SPSpecial Permission Request
CG-VTAVolunteer Ticket Agent

Gaming License To Work At Casino


Form IdentifierTitle
CG-MA/DAManufacturers and/or Distributors Application
CG-MDQManufacturers and/or Distributors Quarterly Report
CG-MDNFManufacturers and/or Distributors Change of Ownership Notification Form
CG-MDAManufacturers and/or Distributors Gaming Card License Amendment Request